About us

IAMANEH Switzerland is a development organisation, whose commitment is making a contribution to eradicating poverty and to a more just world as well as promoting gender equality.

We work closely with local partner organisations in Mali, Senegal, Togo, Burkina Faso, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Albania, with which we implement projects jointly.

We target our projects at women, children and young people and encourage them to lead a life of self-reliance.

We are committed to safe childbirth and maternity, for improved access to family planning as well as to the rights of women and a life free of violence.

In Switzerland we raise awareness among and inform the general public about the links between health, violence, poverty and disadvantage.

IAMANEH is the acronym of the International Association for Maternal and Neonatal Health and was founded by the renowned Geneva gynaecologist Hubert de Watteville in 1978.

We are politically neutral and not associated with any religion.

IAMANEH Switzerland has the Zewo seal of approval for charitable organisations and ist tax-exempt. 

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